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Sea Turtle Crisis

The sea turtles in Florida are experiencing a strange problem because of climate change, as every turtle born is female! This is because the temperature of sea turtle eggs determine the sex of the baby, with temperatures of 31C or higher being females, and temperatures 27.7C or lower being males.

- Image Credit to Ana Luque

Because of global warming making the world hotter, as well as recent heat waves has made the sand on the beaches really hot. In fact, it is estimated that there have been almost no male sea turtles in the last four years. This is very sad, because it means that there will be less sea turtles in the world, as they can't breed without having both genders. Sea turtles already have a low survival rate, and are also endangered, so this situation is looking bad for them.

- Image Credit to Maria Alejandra Cardona/Reuters


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