Size: 12 Inches
Weight: 10.5 Ounces
Habitat: Mexico in still water lakes and water in caves
Food: worms, insects, small fish

Axolotl are a type of salamander, but they have gills on them that let them live underwater their whole life. Axolotls can regenerate their limbs up to 5 times! The Axolotl is also 1,000 times resistant to cancer than mammals. Axolotls are also kept as pets, with the wild ones being brown, and the pet ones being either white and pink or orangish yellow. They are critically endangered and can live 15 years.
Blind Cave Tetra
Size: 3.5 - 4 Inches
Habitat: New Mexico, Mexico, Texas, Guatemala in Water in caves
Food: Worms, Snails, Small fish, Insects

Blind Cave Tetra are a type of fish that are blind. They have skin over their eyes so they can’t see, and they are also called the Mexican Tetra, Blind Cave Characin, or Blind Cave Fish. They can live 10 years, and they are not an endangered species. This fish and other blind fish can’t see because they live in dark caves where you can’t see anything, so they don’t need their eyes. You can even keep them as pets! An interesting fact is that the surface form of these fish actually have eyes and are a light green with a silver belly.
African Blind Barb
Size: 4 Inches
Habitat: Caves in Africa
Food: Small Crustaceans

African Blind Barbs are a ghostly white, and they are also a blind fish just like the Blind Cave Tetra. They only live in Africa, and not much is known about them. They are not endangered, but are vulnerable.
Waterfall Climbing Loach
Size: 1 Inch
Habitat: Caves in Thailand
Food: unknown

These fish are also blind, (3rd blind fish!) and they look like they have 4 legs like some kind of reptile. They like to live in rapids, and it can walk up waterfalls!!! It is also known as the Cave Angel Fish.