5. Epaulette shark - Hemiscyllium ocellatum

Average size : a bit under a meter (3.3 feet) long
Habitat : coral reefs and tide pools in Australia
Why I like it : it looks so cute, and it has the ability to be a kind of land shark, as it can change it’s genes so it needs little oxygen so it can survive on land for a little bit and can also survive in dangerous waters that would be toxic for other animals. It can also crawl around on land!
4. Great hammerhead shark - Sphyrna mokarran

Average size : 4.6 meters (15 feet)
Habitat : shallow waters everywhere except the poles
Why I like it : it has a cool hammer shaped head called a “cepahalphoil” and I kind of feel bad for it, as it must be hard to eat with your nose covering your mouth and it can’t see directly in front of it
3. Spinner shark - Carcharhinus brevipinna

Average size : 3 m (9.8 feet)
Habitat : africa, parts of asia, australia, and the east coasts of north and south america
Why I like it : this shark literally does 360 degree jumps to catch prey from all angles, and it looks like a little shark tornado!
2. Great white shark - Charcharodon charcharias

Image from NYTimes
Average size : 13 - 16 feet (4.0 - 4.9 m)
Habitat : everywhere except the north and south poles
Why I like it : they are so big and powerful and are what people think about when they say the word “shark”, and also because I love seeing them breaching out of the water to get seals
1. Mako shark - Isurus oxyrhincus

Image from Project Aware News
Average size : 2.5- 4.5 meters (8.2- 14.8 feet)
Habitat : the same places as the great white shark
Why I like it : they look so cool with big eyes and sharp teeth, and aren’t as bulky like the great white, and they are the fastest sharks in the ocean, able to go 35 miles per hour