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My Octopus Teacher

My Octopus Teacher is a documentary on Netflix about a filmmaker named Craig Foster who befriends a Common Octopus that lives in the kelp forest in front of his house. The movie is very heartwarming as you watch them slowly become best friends. I never knew that octopuses were that intelligent! I think that this movie was great and it was kind of strange and cool at the same time watching the octopus do very almost human-like things.

The documentary starts with Craig Foster going diving in the kelp forest in front of his house. He spots a Common Octopus, and watches it do very strange and cool things. He is so amazed by it, he gets the idea to go every day. The octopus doesn’t trust Craig and hides at first, but it slowly begins to trust him more and more. Then, one day, a Swell Shark attacks the octopus, not killing it but ripping off one or two limbs. The octopus runs away, leaving its den to flee to somewhere else. Craig eventually finds its new den, but the octopus is very traumatised and weakened by the shark’s attack. However, octopuses can regenerate limbs, and it eventually heals. At the end of the documentary, Craig finds the octopus chilling in a cave with another octopus, meaning that they finished breeding. Craig is saddened because he knows that octopuses die after they lay their eggs. The octopus dies, and is eaten by sharks, but not before laying hundreds of tiny little octopus eggs.


The Common Octopus, or Octopus vulgaris, is a one to three foot long octopus that weighs six to twenty two pounds, and can live up to two years. It can camouflage better than almost any creature, being able to change its pattern, color, and even texture to blend in with its surroundings to either catch prey or hide from predators. If it is spotted however, it will release a cloud of ink, which is made by mixing mucus and melanin, making it both impossible to see and dulling the predator's smell. They are also very fast swimmers, and are also able to hide in anything bigger than its beak, since everything else is squishy. They have beaklike jaws used for biting prey and injecting venomous saliva. They like to prey on crabs, crayfish, small fish, and mollusks.

In conclusion, My Octopus Teacher was a great, heartwarming movie, and it was very sad watching the octopus die. I even almost gave up eating fried octopus and Takoyaki, which are 2 of my favorite foods! I never knew that octopuses were that intelligent, and it was shocking watching all the different clever things the octopus did to catch food, some of which even I would never have thought of!


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