5. Mix of Ankylosaurus, Stegosaurus, and Triceratops, which would be called a Stegkylaceratops
Ankylosaurus: big, heavy armor and tail club
Stegosaurus: huge spines on it’s back, as well as a tale club attached to the sides of the big dinosaur
Triceratops: big, armored head, with humongous horns to stab enemies

PROS: heavily armored, has face protection, and can also fight back well
CONS: very slow, would tire easily with that weight, and is not very moveable
4. Mix of Sinoceratops, Carnotaurus, and Spinosaurus, which would be called a Sinopinotaurus
Sinoceratops horns and headgear
Jaws of carnotaurus, as well as extra two horns, and bumpy armor
Spinosaurus’s cool spine

PROS: pretty fast, armored headgear, and jaws
CONS: body is vulnerable, would break its spine if it fell, and head is also pretty heavy
3. Mix of Gallimimus, Troodon, and Kentrosaurus, which would be called a Kentroomimus
Fast like Gallimimus and not heavy
Smart like Troodon and has big eyes for hunting in the dark
Kentrosaurus spikes on its back to protect it

PROS: smart, fast, deadly, and can hunt in the dark
CONS: can be easily killed, not good in defense
2. Mix of Giganotosaurus, Deinonychus, and Concavenator, which would be called a Deinonotavator
Strong Giganotosaurus jaws
Concavenator spine
Deinonychus feathers, hooked claw, and small and light size

PROS: strong jaws, very fast, really cool spine, light, feathers, and killer hooked claw
CONS: can die if it fell or if its back spine was broken
1. Mix of Velociraptors, Tyrannosaurus Rex, Icthyovenator, and Therizinosaurus, which would be called and Icthyrannoraptor
Icthyovenator spine
Therizinosaurus’s sharp and long claws
Small, fast, with deadly hook claw
Tyrannosaurus Rex’s strong jaws

PROS: most powerful jaws in history, long and shark claws, cool spine, and killer claw
CONS: back is not protected, can be killed easily if ambushed from the back