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Buying the fish (part 1)

On June 5th, I went to the fish store to buy some fish for my fish tank. Choosing fish is super hard! The fish I considered were Corydoras, Rummy Nose Tetra, Panda Garra, Cardinal Tetra, Cherry Barbs, and Gouramis. When I was choosing fish, the first one I decided to go with are Corydoras. These are little catfish that like to be in groups. There were many different varieties, Red Sailfin Corydoras, Emerald Green Corydoras, Albino Aeneus Corydoras, Sterba Corydoras, and Panda Corydoras. I wanted to get either Panda or Albino Corydoras, but I chose the Panda Corydoras because they are smaller and have cool black markings. We got 3 Panda Corydoras.


I also got 2 Honey Gouramis, which are very shy in my fish tank. Honey Gouramis make bubble nests when breeding, just like Betta Fish, which is very interesting.


The guy at the fish store said that we could get 3-4 small schooling fish in 2-3 weeks if we want to. I am thinking about getting Cherry Barbs, Mollies, or a type of tetra.


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