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Fish species I want as pets!!!

- Siamese algae eaters - Siamese algae eaters, (Crossocheilus oblongus) get to be 6 inches long. some people consider them as freshwater "sharks".

- Panda corydoras - (Corydoras panda) get about 2 inches long. they are scavengers and are named after their black and white pattern.

- Cardinal tetra - (Paracheirodon axelrodi) get to be about 1 inch long, and they look very similar to neon tetra. they have a bioluminescent line in the middle of their body, with red underneath.

- Black neon tetra - (Hyphessobrycon herbertaxelrodi) gets 1.6 - 2 inches long. they are all black with a white line in the middle of their body.

- Albino aenues corydoras - (Corydoras aeneus) Albino aeneus Corydoras are the albino variety of the red aenues corydoras. they get 2.6 - 3 inches long. all albino animals have a pinkish-white color, with pink eyes.

- Albino bristlenose pleco - (Ancistrus dolichopterus) The albino bristlenose plecostomus is a pleco, and they stick to your tank walls and eat algae. they get 4 - 5 inches long.

- Denison Barbs - (Sahyadria denisonii) Denison barbs are red, white, yellow, and black. they get about 3.5 - 4.3 inches long.

- Discus fish - (Symphysodon) discus come in a lot of different colors. they look like giant frisbees with eyes and fins. they get about 4.8 - 6 inches long


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