Today we went to get some more fish for my 10 gallon freshwater aquarium. We went to the Aquatic Collection to buy the fish, and we bought 2 Khuli Loaches and 5 Cardinal Tetra. None of them died on the way home, and they are all very healthy. The Loaches are a very energetic fish that go all around the fish tank, and they look like tiny little eels with yellow and brown markings. The Cardinal Tetras on the other hand, are a little shy and have beautiful colors on them. They have a red belly, with a glowing blue line in the middle of their bodies. They get 1.5 to 2 inches long, and are native to the Orinoco and Negro rivers in South America. Khuli Loaches get 3 to 4 inches and their natural habitat is Malaysia, Sumatra, and Borneo.
