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Sea Horses!

Sea Horses are a type of fish with the scientific name Hippocampus, which is also the name for a sea monster and a part of your brain. A group of them is called a herd, and they get about 0.6 to 12 inches. Sea horses live in shallow tropical waters all over the world, and they are terrible swimmers. They swim by fluttering a little fin on their back up to 35 times a second.

Because of their poor swimming ability, sea horses hunt prey by wrapping their tails around something and then sucking up small plankton like a vacuum with their long snouts. When sea horses mate, they do a kind of dancing thing, and then the female puts her eggs in the male's pouch.

Male seahorses can give birth to thousands of babies at once. However, worldwide coastal habitat depletion, pollution, and rampant harvesting, mainly for use in Asian traditional medicine, have made several species vulnerable to extinction, as well as dried sea horse on a stick being a popular street food in China. Many aquarists keep seahorses as pets, such as the Youtuber Coralfish12g.


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